When you first start thinking about college, you will more than likely have some idea of what you would like to study according to your interest. There are many popular options available including humanities, sciences, art, business, education, literature, music and so on. These are all very traditional disciplines to study and can be quite beneficial as a benchmark for your future. It can be frustrating if you are not interested in any of these subjects and you may wish to direct your passions in more unique areas of study. You will be surprised to learn that you can earn legitimate degrees in more unique subjects too! Here are just a handful of areas you can major in at college.
Toy Design
You may think that this is a pretty straightforward area of study, but it is actually very vast with a variety of facets which involve the design of children's toys. Psychology, 3-D imagery, mechanics, creativity and of course patience are just some of the requirements in this area of study.
Mortuary Science
The study of dead people appeals to many individuals who are fascinated by science and the human body. Once you have received your degree in this subject, you can later become a funeral director or even work in a crime lab.
Cereal Chemistry
Cereal Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure and properties of cereals. In order to study in this field you must have a background and special skills in sciences such as chemistry, mathematics, physics and food science. You have the option of completing a 2 years diploma or 4 year Bachelor's degree, enrolling in a technical University.
Comedy Writing
If you have a flair for writing, why not become a full fledged comedy writer? This is an exciting degree where you study the mechanics of all different types of writing such as situation comedy, performance and of course stand-up comedy writing. Comedy theory is also mastered as well as the history of live and recorded comedy for the specific comedy business. You can complete this degree in a two year program.
There are many other unusual and unique areas of study to learn. You may find some of these interesting!
• Aquaculture
• Railroad Operations
• Equestrian Studies
• Ranching
• Bakery Arts
• Floristry
Choosing a unique subject that interests you and even drives your passion can not only benefit your future goals but can also bring you happiness in knowing that you are studying a subject you love.
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